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Tigers trivia and tat

Baseball news from Japan and Asia

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Featuring Christopher Amano-Langtree (a.k.a. Christopher)

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Tigers trivia and tat

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Shimoyanagi has just gotten married. He filed marriage papers with a 25 year old woman recently but has released no details about her. This is in line with other baseball stars (Matsui for example).
The tat is a figure Ramu Inbeda (Lum Invader) designed in conjunction with Rumiko Takahashi (the creator of Ramu) holding a Tigers flag. Takahashi is a big Tigers fan and Ramu is a woman with cat's ears and wears a striped bikini and star of one of the most popular and famous manga in Japan. It costs about 4000 yen should anyone really want to track it down and buy it.
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