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Japanese Uniforms

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Japanese Uniforms
What are the Japanese pro Yakyu uniforms made of?
Re: Japanese Uniforms
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Sep 30, 2001 3:45 PM ]

I've always wondered about that also. I don't have the answer, but I do have another question. What ever became of the Buffaloes' alternate red uniforms. I thought it was a great concept to take a page out of the Major Leagues and adopt an alternate uniform. Now that Hanshin and Daiei have strictly gone to wearing one cap, it's a bit disappointing to see no variety or creativity in the Japanese baseball fashion world.
Re: Japanese Uniforms
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 5, 2001 3:17 AM ]

where can i get japanese jerseys?
Where to get jersys
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 5, 2001 8:30 AM | YBS Fan ]

Maybe I need to put side bars a little higher on my agenda, and this is a FAQ.

Hmm. I was sure I had an article or two on this, but I can't seem to find one. OK, you want to head over to the Yakyu Shop for caps and jerseys. It's one of those businesses that started out as a hobby until it overwhelmed the hobbiest.

And speaking of the Yakyu Shop, they've offered to sponsor a contest/give away for the Nihon Series. However, due to the recent vandalism to the site, I need to come up with an alternative, safer method than I was planning, so things are a little behind schedule. (Man, these guys had lousy timing.) Anyway, I'll have more on that when it's ready.

[And, I do plan on getting to the other two questions above as well. Really.]

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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